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North America's premier long-term power market datahub is now on Snowflake! Trusted by Energy Traders, Hedge Funds, Renewable Energy Project Planners, Portfolio Managers, Market Analysts and Asset Operators across industry verticals.


Instant Data Access

Customers can analyze billions of rows of data in seconds without stressing their own IT infrastructure. Arcus Power provides datasets from one of North America's largest power market repositories.


Improve Data Operations

Reduce reliance on IT infrastructure. Analysts, traders, and developers can now independently retrieve and analyze data instantly, increasing overall operational efficiency.


Enhance Data Capabilities

Utilize Snowflake's scalable platform for efficient data processing.

Run your own complex queries seamlessly, integrate multiple data sources, and generate visual insights for strategic decision-making without redundancy or moving any data.

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Why Snowflake is the Perfect Fit for Arcus Power

Leveraging Scalable Data Solutions for Energy Intelligence


Snowflake is a cloud-native platform that enables seamless, secure access to data at scale. Arcus Power on Snowflake leverages the unmatched scalability, compute power, and integrated data sharing capabilities of Snowflake, providing a unified environment for handling energy data with ease and efficiency.

Why Snowflake for Energy Insights?

  • Elastic Compute and Storage: Scale as needed without stressing internal infrastructure.

  • Instant Data Sharing: No delays, no complexities—data is available in real-time to those who need it.

  • Seamless Integration: Snowflake’s ability to integrate multiple datasets allows Arcus Power users to create robust analytical workflows.

How Customers on Snowflake Can Use Arcus Power's Datasets

If you’re already a Snowflake customer, accessing Arcus Power’s data is as easy as a few clicks. Integrate datasets, build custom queries, and use tools like Streamlit to create dashboards—all without needing to transfer or replicate data. The integration means:

Quick Setup: Skip onboarding and start deriving insights instantly.

Endless Possibilities for Analysis
: Run predictive models, energy forecasts, and operational simulations directly within Snowflake.

Key Features 

Browse and access over 330,000 real-time data streams designed to support high-impact energy analytics.

Real-Time Market Intelligence

Clean Data Schemas and Logical Views

Interactive Dashboards with Streamlit

Scalable Performance

Emissions and Renewable Tracking

Arcus Power on Snowflake Architecture
Listings on Snowflake Marketplace

Explore Arcus Power’s specialized datasets, each available directly through Snowflake.
Click on each to learn how it supports your energy needs:

realistic image of energy market data

North America - WEST

AESO- Alberta Electric System Operator 
CAISO-  California Independent System Operator
CENACE- Centro Nacional de Control de Energía (National Energy Control Center- Mexico)

Show simple sine waves to indicate Price Accuracy

North America - EAST

IESO- Independent Electricity System Operator (Ontario)
PJM-  Pennsylvania-New Jersey-Maryland Interconnection
MISO- Midcontinent Independent System Operator
NYISO- New York Independent System Operator
SPP- Southwest Power Pool
ISO-NE- Independent System Operator- New England

realistic image of renewable energy

North America- ERCOT

ERCOT- Electric Reliability Council of Texas
SPP-  Southwest Power Pool
CENACE- Centro Nacional de Control de Energía (National Energy Control Center- Mexico)


Who benefits from Arcus Power on Snowflake?

energy trading

Energy Traders and Analysts

Leverage real-time data to adapt trading strategies on the go. Gain the insights you need to make smarter, more profitable trades.

Utilities and grid operators

Utility & Grid Operators

Integrate historical and real-time data to forecast load and balance generation. Manage grid stability, maximize efficiency, and plan proactively.

renewable energy

Renewable Project Developers

Access reliable data on renewable integration, emissions, and operational needs to maximize ROI and enhance project sustainability.

financial institution

Financial Institutions

Use comprehensive datasets to evaluate risk, assess investment opportunities, and manage regulatory compliance.


Commercial and Industrial Energy Users

Proactively manage energy consumption, participate in demand response, and visualize usage data to optimize costs and enhance sustainability.


What Our Clients Say

"Arcus Power on Snowflake completely changed how we handle energy data. With real-time access and clean datasets, we’ve cut analysis time in half and made far more informed trading decisions."

trader icon

Energy Trader | North America

"Using Streamlit for visualizing Arcus Power data has been a game-changer for our sustainability tracking. We can communicate emissions data clearly to stakeholders, aligning our operations with our green goals."

transparent background icon for instant data access or data hub

Sr. Power Market Analyst | Utility Sector

Contact us

Get in Touch!

With Arcus Power integrated on Snowflake, you gain more than just data—you get actionable insights delivered in real time, interactive applications for visualization, and the scalability you need to meet the challenges of today’s dynamic energy market.